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Old No: 21, New No: 7 Varadharaja PerumalKoil Street Tondiarpet Near K.K. Electrical Works Chennai - 600081
Clinic in Chennai GPO Clinic in Anna Road GPO Clinic in Park Town Clinic in Mylapore Clinic in Triplicane
Thermotherapy | Womens health | Measles | Amenorrhea | Sleep medicine | Dilation and Curettage (D&C) for Bleeding During M | Diabetes management program | Conventional Cataract surgery with stitches | Endometrial Biopsy | Polysomnography | .... More Treatment
Sleep medicine | Precancerous conditions of cervix and early cervic | Fallopian Tube Procedures for Infertility | Immunizations | Donor Semen | Immunity therapy | Laparoscopic Surgery for Endometriosis | Repair of Rectocele or Enterocele | Micro Cataract Surgery with PROPACK | Carbon Dioxide Laser Surgery for Abnormal Cervical | Pimples | Papsmear | Complex regional pain syndrome | Emergency | Thyroid disease in children | Abnormal Uterine Bleeding | Chickenpox | Vaccination | Hysterectomy for Endometrial Cancer | Repair of Bladder Prolapse (Cystocele) or Urethra | Geriatric complications | Type 1 diabetes | Asthma | Allergy | Ectopic pregnancy | Bioimpedance exam | Lower genital tract dysplasia | C Section | Thermotherapy | Embryo freezing | Acute diarrhea | General health check-up | Reproduction | Surrogacy | Manual and Vacuum Aspiration for Abortion | Yellow fever | Head and neck infections | Tubal Ligation and Tubal Implants | Gestational diabetes management | Diabetes in children | Dengue | Myomectomy | Diabetic ulcer | UI Urinary Incontinence | Immunity | Genetic counseling | Eye Muscle Surgery | Endometrial Ablation | Prenatal and birth | Chickenpox |